Monday, March 19, 2012

I do not like barbell lunges...

Look at me writing on a Monday night (me fist pumping)

Tonight's workout didn't look too bad online, but I should have known better than that. 2 Supersets w/ 3 exercises each 4 times thru and one included barbell lunges. I do not like barbell lunges. For some reason EVERYTIME I do them my legs shake like crazy and I just want to cry. Perhaps it's my lack of balance, individual leg strength or having to step out in a straight line, but regardless I'm not good and they hurt!! I did survive though only to come home and make dinner of a turkey burger and asparagus and almost DIE! 

Yes, I almost died because I started to choke on the end of one of my asparagus and started to panic. Good thing I was able to cough it out w/o embarrassment since I was alone. Scary. As. Shit! That is the scary thing about living alone. Who is going to save me when I choke on shit??!?! Tonight I was able to save myself. I'm sure you're thrilled for more live changing blog posts by yours truly. Ha! Alright, that's it for now. I was really good this weekend staying on track w/ my goals. Last time I measured I was down a total of 6.5 inches (whole body) and I was 2 months and 1 week in. Yeessssss!!! Going to do my measurements again this weekend so I've got to behave. Trip is getting closer so things are getting real! #lookgoodnaked :-)

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