Thursday, January 19, 2012

5 workouts in 4 days!

So, I did it. Didn't write yesterday since I was distracted by other things, but it was a full kettle bell workout and a real kick in the ol' ass! Monday-Wednesday had been some real killers this week, but I was committed to doing both the daily challenge and yoga tonight come hell or high water. The daily challenge was painful to say the least. My legs were shaking and then turned into jello in the middle of my  barbell lunges set. It had a lot of running to which didn't help the leg situation. When I was done I just needed to lay on the floor for a little bit and I did just that. Finally pulled myself together after couple minutes and went outside for yoga. Another great yoga class that really stretched me out which is just what my body needed. Super successful week this week on my eating plan and working out! :-) Probably going to take off tomorrow, but who knows...maybe this lil fire in me will get me there...85 more days until my departure. #pushinglimits #acheivinggoals- word. 

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